Stopping hair loss and promoting hair growth through biostimulation
Beautiful hair gives you self-confidence, a youthful appearance and a confident demeanor. All the worse when thinning patches form on the head or there is a lack of fullness in the hair. Hair loss is by no means a typical male problem. Hair loss is also widespread among women – and they often suffer even more from the consequences. This is because their self-esteem dwindles along with their hair. Highly effective treatment options for hair loss and excellent methods for hair thickening are offered by autologous blood therapywhich we also use for skin rejuvenation, as well as the mesotherapy – ideally in combination.
Hair loss can be stopped and hair growth reactivated in around 85-90% of men and women affected.
Autologous blood therapy in combination with mesotherapy
Autologous blood therapy is a highly effective treatment for hair loss and hair thickening. The growth factors obtained from the patient’s own blood and processed in blood plasma are injected into the scalp and can stop hair loss in this way. They have been proven to stimulate and regenerate the hair follicles. Hair growth is stimulated, “baby hairs” begin to sprout and the hair becomes fuller again. Mesotherapy also uses selected combinations of active ingredients to revitalize the hair follicles by means of hair-thin microinjections about one millimetre deep into the scalp. Guided by a gentle hand, this procedure does not have to be painful. They are small pricks that can bring you closer to your goal: A full head of hair again at last. Where it makes sense, we combine autologous blood therapy with mesotherapy.
When used in time, both forms of treatment – especially in combination – are extremely effective.
Diffuse circular hair loss
Circular hair loss is one of the most common hair loss disorders. It usually results in circular, sharply defined bald patches, which can expand over time and appear in other areas. There are still no precise scientific findings as to the exact causes of this. This is why it is often referred to as diffuse circular hair loss.