Using syringes to combat heavy sweating under the armpits

Are you still sweating or are you already spraying? Heavy sweating(hyperhidrosis) can be a real burden. Especially in the hot months. Whether at work or at home - heavy sweating, especially in the armpits, can easily make your forehead sweat in all its embarrassment. After all, who likes sitting in a meeting or at lunch with dark sweat stains on [mehr...»]

Tiredness and exhaustion – an ongoing issue for many

Unclear causes. Diffuse symptoms. What now? Sometimes the cause of the exhaustion is an infection, often a longer, more serious illness or a traumatic experience such as an accident or a stroke of fate. For most patients, however, the actual starting point can no longer be traced. The symptoms have crept in over too long a period of time and [mehr...»]

Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism

Why L-thyroxine alone often does not help You have to take a closer look at the patient's situation. L-thyroxine contains only T4 (tetraiodothyronine), which must first be converted in the body into the active form of the thyroid hormone T3 (triiodothyronine). If symptoms of hypothyroidism persist while taking a preparation such as L-thyroxine, this can have various causes. For example, [mehr...»]

Micronutrients instead of medication

Strengthening the body's regulation and self-healing powers with orthomolecular medicine Less and less nutrient content Micronutrients are essential for our survival: we cannot live without them. The special thing about them is that our body cannot produce them itself. We therefore have to obtain them from our food. Unfortunately, however, a balanced diet is no longer enough to provide us [mehr...»]

The not-so-small difference – individual gender medicine

Medicine by men for men. This can be dangerous for women. Drugs are tested on men, guidelines are geared towards men. This can be dangerous for women. Especially as their symptoms are often very different: When a man comes to the emergency room complaining of stabbing chest pains, it is immediately clear that his life is in danger. Women, [mehr...»]

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